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Letter Templates Resume Baking Top Resume was my favorite. * I paid too much
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Letter Templates: Devin mostly uses this for the tips and templates
they offer for different career fields. Resume
Baking: This site specializes in building your own resume and you
can see samples as well.
J o b L i n k s
The following link was provided by Megan Copeland on behalf of my homeschooling group. They found my website and this "Job Links" page useful for her students' career planning projects that they'll be working on for the next few weeks. Megan just wanted to say thanks for all the help from all of us!
One of her students, Libby, also found the following great article on job searching, Job Search Email Etiquette, and asked if I'd post it for them. So, here it is. Libby to go to college to be a teacher, and IMHO that's a great career path to follow. I hope that this helps others with career planning as well.All my best wishes for you, Libby, and all who join you in your teaching careers, and thank you Megan for your support in their efforts.
Sincerely, Douglas Lee
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